The Walking Owl?

Twenty-six years ago a juvenile Great Horned Owl walked across my yard. Standing near two feet tall and with trademark “ear tufts” (plumicorns) not yet formed … she was all eyes and more than glorious.  It was to be a relationship of being with that blessed me for several months. Immediately curious and despite an ungainly side-to-side gait, she chose to walk with me from a distance. Those first meetings were only minutes and then grew to long baskings lasting up to an hour while I lounged in my lawn chair and she stood quietly just three feet from me, as though we were old chums resting in our reminiscences of life gone by.  My life changed completely from her gracious visitations and the light within grows bright whenever I hear owl call.

My blog/shop is dedicated to her soul sweetening memory and the tumble of stones that always came to mind while receiving absolution from her gift of simply being.

Welcome to this place of her creation, and much peace to you on the path.


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