Apophyllite – The Healing Stream

apophyllitewithstilbite2During long-term illness my nightstand was graced with crystal beings of many forms.  At times most dire it was calming to gaze at their sweet beauty and yes, to “feel the vibes.”  We each relate to stones differently so I will not be lauding Apophyllite as the crystal cluster of all time.  My personal experience was noting a room ambience of peace to near tranquility, along with a glistening touch of happiness.

While enduring the gauntlet to wellness there were many other contributing spiritual and faith components, along with individuals to whom I raise my hands in deep appreciation. Apophyllite assisted my psyche with regenerating a synergy of balance and wholeness to a body filled with chaos.  I am forever grateful for having bathed in its happy, healing stream.

On a final note, Apophyllite is not a sleep with stone. “Ouch!” and “Damn it!”  Yes, I tried it. 

~ Eve ~
The Walking Owl
For the love of stones … and more …


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